Friday, March 12, 2021

does it work?? saje peppermint halo headache remedy

Headaches happen. This is the unfortunate reality for many of us. Some people deal with painful migraines, others have the occasional headache, a tension or stress related headache, or even barometric pressure headaches. My headaches tend to be linked to changes in the weather. Which means, they don't happen all the time...but they do occur every now and then. For instance, when the seasons were shifting between fall and winter, it was a real struggle. Especially this year! The temperatures went up and down, up and down, up and down. There was no real consistency and it seriously impacted my day-to-day life. My best friend struggles with migraines and has always raved about the Saje Peppermint Halo Headache Remedy. It was something that I planned to look into but never did. For Christmas this year, she gifted me one. This was such a thoughtful gift. One that has come in handy a few times already! Ready to find out more? And see if it really works? Here goes...

Just what is the Saje Peppermint Halo Headache Remedy? According to the brand, this is 100% natural and the roll-on works to relieve symptoms of headaches. It says to apply the product along the hairline, neck and shoulders. The roll-on is an essential oil blend that contains peppermint, rosemary, and lavender. Essentially, this is a small roller that is quick and easy to use. You just unscrew the cap and roll on the product as needed. Personally, I am a fan of essential oils and different blends. They can really alter your mood in a positive way. Whether you need a little boost of energy or want to relax and unwind...the right combination of scents can make a world of difference. As for the Peppermint Halo Headache Remedy, this roll-on instantly wakes you up. Peppermint is such a bright and refreshing scent on its own. This particular blend smells really absolutely wonderful....but does it actually work to relieve headaches?

Yes! The roll-on really does work well on my headaches. Of course, how well it works for you will depend on a lot of factors. (What kind of headaches you tend to get and the severity.) But in terms of my needs, this really has worked well. It relieves or reduces headaches within about twenty to thirty minutes. But one thing to note. I've found that this works best if it is applied as soon as the headache is starting to come on. Applying the roll-on right away can eliminate the effects entirely. If I wait until the headache is in full-blown disaster mode...the roll-on tends to dull but not completely eliminate the pain. If this is something that you end up using for yourself, play around with it and see what works for you. works. The Saje Peppermint Halo Headache Remedy is a wonderful and effective tool. It makes me feel better to know that when a headache is coming on, I don't have to run to the medicine cabinet for some relief. There is a natural option waiting for me. One that actually smells good and is easy to use as well. Bonus! 

Have you tried anything from Saje? What was your experience like? 


  1. Thanks, I will have much fun testing this products =) Yes I like this nail polish colours a lot, perfect for summer.
    Thank you =) Yes wrapping paper is always nice to have.

    Great review. This product sounds really great. In summer when it's too hot I have headache very often, so this would be perfect for me. I don't know this brand so I don't tried anything of it :D

    1. I hope you are able to find something similar that can help!

  2. Interesting product! I usually get headaches during my time of the month - love that there are alternatives to popping pills!
    Jenna ♥
    Life of an Earth Muffin

    1. Yes! I try to avoid taking anything that I don't have to, so this has been really helpful!

  3. Boa noite, obrigado por nos trazer esse maravilhoso produto.
