Monday, July 22, 2024

a tribute to richard simmons.

It has taken me some time to write this. Recently, the iconic Richard Simmons passed away at the age of 76. My heart has been aching ever since. I have written about Richard a few times on the creation of beauty is art. over the years, because he quickly became a very important part of my life. (You can check out those posts herehere, and here.) I found his videos during the pandemic, which was a time of uncertainty, fear, and isolation. But Richard Simmons was there to make everything a little brighter. I started off doing the exercises posted to his YouTube channel and then bought the Sweatin' to the Oldies collection. My obsession continued as the years passed. I bought everything I could get my hands on. Workout videos, books, keychains, and Funko Pop figures. See, Richard didn't just help me through the pandemic. He helped me tackle my longstanding self esteem issues. His kindness was evident in his videos, interviews, songs, books, and everything else he created. Not only was he kind to others, but he had a way of seeing people as they were, without judgement or cruelty. He saw all of us. He saw me. 

At the beginning of the year, Richard Simmons came out of his retirement to share posts on Facebook again. Those posts started out short and sweet, but over time, they became mini essays filled with stories about his life. He recalled memories from his childhood and spoke about celebrities he had met, people he had helped, and trips he had taken. Richard had so much to say! After years of silence, he was back, using his voice to add a little light to the world. More recently, he started sharing audio messages with short poems and uplifting words. In what turned out to be his final interview, he read the audio message he planned to record next. It is somewhat eerie knowing what we know now, but it has also brought me comfort. 

How do you deal with loss?
It takes a toll on your heart.
Some shed many tears,
Others stare at the sky.
It's hard to say goodbye.
Here is what I know.
When it's time for us to go,
Beautiful angels will greet us with a smile and a hello.

There is no final message from Richard Simmons that could be better. Everyone has their own beliefs about what happens to us in the end, but I sincerely hope that Richard was greeted by beautiful angels with a smile and a hello. He deserves that. 

Though many celebrity deaths have impacted me in one way or another, this one feels a little more personal. Not only did I find his work in a time of great uncertainty, but when he came back to social media, there was so much communication. Not just the Facebook posts! He also hosted chats in a chatroom on his website where he shared stories and answered questions. In fact, he even answered one of mine! Richard also responded to an email that I sent him in late February. It wasn't the first time I submitted an email through his website form (the first was during the pandemic) but it was the first time that I received a response. I was shocked. He said the most wonderful things and encouraged me to take care of myself. In fact, he said, "I believe in you and you should believe in you." I have held his words close to my heart since that email arrived in my inbox. I have read it over and over again. Richard gave me so much strength and hope in recent years. He rebuilt parts of me that I thought would be broken forever. To say that I miss Richard Simmons would be an understatement. He truly impacted my life.

To conclude this post, I thought that I would share some of the comments I have seen other Richard Simmons supporters share over the last week. These struck a chord with me and perfectly encompass my own experiences with Richard and his work. 

  • He loved us when we couldn't even love ourselves.
  • People can be so cruel. Having someone like Richard Simmons in our lives was very special. It helped erase a lot of mental damage that was done by others. I will dearly miss him.
  • By going forward with his teachings, he goes forward with us. 

That last comment is especially meaningful, as the only way I can think to truly honour Richard Simmons is to further implement his teachings in my life. To move more, eat better, love myself, and love others. That is exactly what I plan to do. 


  1. Bom dia, uma excelente segunda-feira e uma ótima semana. Parabéns pela linda homenagem, minha querida amiga.

  2. I didn't know him but seems that he was been very important for you in a phase of your life, so I'm actally sorry for your loss.
    The quotes you reported sound deep and significative, he must has been a very wise person.

    1. Thank you for your kind words. And yes, he was very wise and inspired a lot of people <3

  3. I saw he passed in the news but didn't know who he was. Not sure his fame reached Scotland! RIP.

  4. I'm afraid I didn't know who he was, but as he was so important to you, I do get the impact of his passing away on you. That final message is beautiful yet heart-breaking in hindsight. I'm so sorry for your loss, Shannon!

  5. An interesting post, I didn't know a lot about him
