Monday, July 29, 2024

sunshine on the water looks so lovely.

How is summer treating you so far? Have you made lots of memories in the sunshine? Have you been wearing your favourite shorts, tank tops, and sunglasses? Admittedly, summer is not my favourite season, but it is an important time of year nonetheless. It is a time when many are able to take time off of work and school to visit with friends and family, take walks, go for picnics in the park, visit seasonal attractions, head to the beach, or enjoy a number of other summertime activities. Whether summer is your favourite or least favourite time of year, my hope is that you are making the most of the sunshine. If you need a little extra dose of inspiration or perhaps a reminder of what summer has to offer (as I so often do) then this post is for you. Here are some inspiration photos and quotes that truly highlight the magic of the summer season. 

The summer season is fully underway. Whether that means hiding from the heat in the air conditioning (something I am all too guilty of) or making the most of the world is hoping that the rest of the season is one to remember. 

How are you enjoying the summer season? What is your favourite time of year?


  1. I love your summer inspiration! My summer is going great so far. Since I just came back from a girl's trip by the beach, I am feeling happy and light. I hope your summer is going magnificently!


    1. I am so glad you had such a great trip! Sounds like you are making the most of the season <3

  2. I am not a fan of the heat so summer isn't really for me. Fav time always gonna be Hallowe'en :-D

    1. Same! I much prefer the cooler temperatures. I cannot WAIT for all things Halloween inspired. (Confession: I bought a pair of pumpkin spice themed earrings the other day.)

  3. This summer, I realized that I lost my excitement about the summer season.

    1. I'm so sorry to hear that! I do understand though. Sometimes the heat and everything that comes along with it is just a lot to deal with.

  4. Alle Fotos passen wirklich perfekt zum Sommer, super.LG Romy

  5. Oh my gosh! I love all these images! I was never a big summer fan, but as I got older (ahem), I find I can't take the cold as well as before so I'm now a summer girl:P But I do also love AC, like for days like today....too hot! :D

    1. I am not great with cold either, but I much prefer to wear bulky sweaters than to deal with the heat! AC days are always a good idea!

  6. I'm not really a Summer person either, but I'm finding things to enjoy in every season. Thank you for the Summer inspiration, Shannon! xxx

    1. I love that you find things to enjoy in every season! That is so inspiring <3

  7. Wau, moc pěkné. ☺♥ Super článek.
