Wednesday, August 7, 2024

my final richard simmons store haul.

It's hard to believe that a little over two years ago, there was a post here on the creation of beauty is art. detailing my very first Richard Simmons store haul. In that post, I spoke about my obsession with Richard Simmons and how his workouts made my life better during the pandemic. Somehow, I am now posting my last ever purchase from the Richard Simmons store. It is hard for me to wrap my head around the fact that he is gone. The last few weeks have been difficult and my way of coping with the loss was to treat myself to some of the items still remaining in the store. Here is my latest and last Richard Simmons store haul. 

Richard Simmons Towel. The biggest item is easily the "Richard Simmons Kicked My Butt" towel. It is a full size towel and with the print in the center. Since I do my best to exercise five times a week (sometimes more, sometimes less, depending on my schedule)...this towel is an ideal add on. Especially when I am tackling one of Richard's more intense exercise videos. This is a practical item, but it is also fun to have around. There was a t-shirt with this print as well in a few different colours, but unfortunately, most sizes have been sold out for years. At least I have this printed towel that I can use and enjoy.

Exercise and Food Items. Though I have a lot of Richard Simmons videos (on DVD and VHS) there are still some missing from my collection. Last time that I ordered from the store, I purchased Party Off The Pounds and Project HOPE, but this time, I added Disco Sweat and Boogie Down the Pounds to my cart. I am excited to try some new-to-me workouts. Another item that I purchased was the Manual Food Mover. This is essentially a way of tracking your food, water, and vitamin intake each day. Currently, I use an app to track those sorts of things, but I was interested in the booklets that come with the Food Mover. There are meal ideas, a food plan, and some useful information about fitness and health. Something I actually really like about the Food Mover itself is the motivators listed on the bottom. These are essentially positive affirmations and I find them useful. 

Odds and Ends. There were some smaller odds and ends available on the website as well. Though I wanted everything (even some things that were already sold out) there were four items that were added to my cart. The first is a stress ball in the shape of a scale that I thought was funny. (And also useful for moments of stress.) The second is a purple HOPE bracelet that says: H.O.P.E. Health Optimism Passion Energy. I like physical reminders for what I am working towards and the bracelet seemed ideal. There is also a Cruise To Lose keychain with water inside. I obviously never went on any of the Richard Simmons cruises, but it was cute and I could not resist. The last item in this haul was a set of magnets. There is a cartoon Richard Simmons and then all of these words that can be used to write out inspirational sentences. Definitely a nice addition to my home! 

While this is a bittersweet post, these items have been helping me focus on my goals and honour a very important person. 

Have you purchased anything special lately? What keeps you focused on your goals?


  1. What a great items, thanks for your sharing

  2. It’s touching to see how you’re honoring Richard Simmons and keeping his positive impact alive in your life. Your collection of items sounds like a meaningful way to remember his influence and continue to stay motivated.

    For me, My family keeps me motivated.

    I just posted a new blog post, I invite you to read, Thank you.

    1. Thank you for your kindness! It is always so appreciated <3

  3. Das kenne ich auch noch, dass waren noch Zeiten :-) LG Romy

  4. Good items to buy. I really need to focus on my goal, I am a stress eater and eat way too much. I also haven't been walking so much but will start that soon too.

    1. Oh goodness, same! Stress eater, boredom eater, anxiety eater.....all of the things! <3

  5. That's quite a haul, Shannon. I do get that it's bittersweet to know that these might be your final Richard Simmons haul! xxx

  6. Really great stuff, thank you for your inspiring haul :) I love posts like this :) Regards!

  7. 👍👍super, nevím proč, ale vůbec se mi nezobragují ve výběru v odběru blogů tvé příspěvky, snad budou nyní, přitom jsem tě řádně sledovala. chjo. krásný víkend přeji.

    1. I don't know why that is, but I appreciate you checking in anyway! Your support is very much appreciated! <3
