Monday, August 12, 2024

memories at the lake last forever.

Spending time outdoors is not my favourite thing to do. I am more of an air conditioning and television kind of person...but my family likes to visit a cottage each summer. (My brother likes to kayak, my husband likes to fish, and my parents like the change of scenery.) By the time this post is live, that is exactly where I will be. Though I would much prefer a week at a theme park or somewhere similarly fun, my days will be spent in nature instead. Fingers crossed that I will not come home with too many mosquito bites! This post is just to let you all know that that I will be off applying sunscreen instead of being parked in front of my computer like I normally am. You can expect new posts here on the creation of beauty is art. this time next week.

Have a wonderful week! Be sure to let me know how you are staying busy this summer in the comment section below. 


  1. You're right about that. I wish you wonderful and relaxing days <3

  2. Kann ich nach vollziehen, ein toller Ort zum Entspannen. LG Romy

  3. Hope you enjoy it. I love being outdoors and taking photos and walking in nature :-D

  4. Oh yes I love to be at a lake, it's super relaxing to hear nature sounds there <3
    This weekend I will go to my next festival, can't wait for it. And it's so sad that it will be one of the last ones. I have one more in September and than I have to wait until next year (or I will book something spontaneous haha).

    1. I hope you have a wonderful time and make lots of special memories!

  5. Have a wonderful week in the outdoors, Shannon! I'm actually quite envious! xxx

  6. It sounds like you’re in for a unique experience, even if it's not your usual scene! Enjoy your time at the lake with your family and hopefully, you’ll come back with lots of great memories (and minimal mosquito bites). Have a fantastic week away from the screen!

    Check out my new style post: ( Thank you.
