Friday, May 24, 2024

does it work?? hard candy face off luminous liquid blush

I have never been shy about my love for Hard Candy products. Though it is becoming more difficult for me to find some of my old is still a thrill to put anything from the brand to the test. A little while back, the Face Off Luminous Liquid Blush caught my eye. In fact, it was tossed into my basket without a moment of hesitation. I didn't read the packaging or look at the price. It was a must. The reason? The liquid blush was available in purple. As I mentioned in a recent post, purple blush is something that I love. I was more than ready to put a liquid purple blush to good use. So, the question is....does it work??

According to the brand, the Luminous Liquid Blush is an "easy, dewy, hydrating skin tint. Designed to give you color and glow with one easy swipe." The blush contains a blend of vitamins, peptides, hyaluronic acid, and squalene to make the skin glowy. It is also supported to blend well and layer well so the blush colour can be more subtle or more intense. Additionally, this is vegan and cruelty free. There are a lot of impressive claims from the brand, but the question remains. Does it work??

Apologies for the slightly awkward angle of this photograph, but it was the best way to show off the fabulous glowing finish that the Face Off Luminous Liquid Blush delivers. This definitely meets each and every one of the brand claims. It is so gorgeous and glowing. It makes the skin look so fresh and hydrated! The colour is also really buildable. Since I love a bolder blush, two layers of the Pop Star shade are added for a glowing purple blush that is still super wearable. The finish is incredible and I also love the light purple colour. (There are five blush colours to choose from.) This will be such a fun blush to wear all spring and summer thanks to the unique colour and stunning finish. I also love how easy this is to apply. There is a doe foot applicator to apply the product directly to the cheeks. I usually blend it out with my fingers or with a fluffy blush brush from my collection. 

Does it work?? 100%. The Face Off Luminous Liquid Blush from Hard Candy is wonderful. I have loved incorporating this into my everyday looks. It is such a simple way to add colour and shine to the cheeks. This is definitely something to consider. 

Are you a fan of Hard Candy products? What is your favourite liquid blush?


  1. The event was nice as always =) Super interesting. I like the products and goodies.
    Thanks a lot =) This collection is really cute, I like the colour and all the details <3 Can't wait to train with it.
    This sounds really delicious =)

    Great post, this blush looks super interesting. We don't have this brand in Germany but I would try it.
    The colour is perfect for every day looks, it looks so fresh on your skin and the finish is so nice.
    I don't use liquid blushes or normal blushes that often, my freckles are too strong :D You don't see any blush colour.

    1. Yes to travel there was just stressful but the festival was really amazing <3 Loved it a lot and can't wait to visit it again next year.

    2. Thank you! It is a really great blush. I love that you have strong freckles. That is beautiful <3

  2. Boa tarde de sexta-feira. Bom final de semana. Obrigado pela visita e comentário. Acho que esse produto, faria muito sucesso no Brasil.

  3. Oh wow! Fabulous indeed! This purple blush sounds great, and the glow....girl, you look so good:) Thanks for the heads up on this. I don't have a lot of Hard Candy but I do love what I have...eyeshadows mostly I think.

  4. The finish is great, a beautiful glow

  5. Wow, das ist einfach nur traumhaft schön. Steht dir super. LG Romy

  6. It looks very nice :) I haven't had the opportunity to try such a liquid blush.

  7. hi dear, I didn't know this brand but now I see where I can buy online

  8. I don't think I've ever tried a liquid blush ... That said, I am glad to hear this product met your expectations! xxx

    1. They can be really nice! I have dry skin, so sometimes liquid blushes are perfect for me.

  9. Purple blush sounds interesting, but the effects look beautiful. Thanks for sharing. Have a good week :)
