Friday, September 6, 2024

life lately (wok with yan and shopping trip mini haul)

Summer is winding down and it seems life is determined to cram as much activity as possible into the last remaining weeks. Events, appointments, get togethers, and on and on the list goes. Lately, my schedule has been a little busier than I tend to prefer...but some of that has been for some exciting reasons. Like meeting a childhood idol and doing a bit of shopping across the border! Ready to find out more? Here is a little life update post with some highlights from a few recent days out. 

Wok With Yan: Wok Talk LIVE Event 

Growing up, my brother and I would watch all sorts of shows and movies together. One of the shows we loved to watch was Wok With Yan. It was a Canadian cooking show and the reruns aired regularly. We loved the 80s/90s fashion the audience members sported, watching the food be prepared, and of course, the iconic wok puns that were printed on the apron of Stephen Yan each day. When it was announced by the brand RetroKid that they had found Stephen Yan, were releasing a merchandise line inspired by Wok With Yan, and were hosting a live event....I was thrilled.  I immediately bought tickets to the event. Fast forward a few weeks and my brother and I were sitting in a sold out crowd of Wok With Yan enthusiasts. There was a moderated discussion and some questions asked by audience members, but mostly, it was Stephen Yan sharing stories and making everyone laugh. He is quite a character! And he has accomplished an awful lot in his life. Talk about someone who makes the most of each moment. After the interview portion of the show, there was an opportunity to buy merchandise from the RetroKid line and wait to meet Stephen Yan. Well, we waited for a very long time in line, but eventually met him. 

Stephen Yan took my hands and said, "Cold hands...warm heart?" I didn't quite know how to respond, so I said, "Maybe!" And he laughed a bit and said, "Only maybe?" Oh well. I didn't exactly wow, but sometimes I get nervous and just blurt out random things. Thankfully, he was kind and charming. He made everyone laugh and did what he could to make it a memorable experience. This was his first public appearance in 30 years, so it was a big deal for everyone involved and all of the attendees. The Wok Talk LIVE event was a once in a lifetime kind of experience. I never would've thought that I would be able to meet someone that my brother and I watched for years on television. It was a really fun time. As for the merchandise purchased, my brother chose the wok pun apron while I went with the "It's Woks Inside That Counts" hoodie and "Wok and Roll" t-shirt. 

Niagara Falls US Shopping Trip

Recently, my mom and I took a day trip across the border. There is this travel company that she likes to book with and they often have bus trips to various locations. This time, it was a day in Niagara Falls to do a bit of shopping at an outlet mall, Walmart, and Target. Since I was all out of my Little Debbie snack cakes (why oh why did they remove them from Canada?), it was a good opportunity to stock up. Though the day started out very early in the morning....we were able to check out all sorts of stores and have some fun. There were a few items on my shopping list, including some CDs and some birthday gifts for loved ones. Though I found a few presents for people on my list, there are still a lot of gaps. Ah well...the search continues. 

What came home with me? Between the outlet mall, Walmart, and Target, there were a few items that stood out. For starters, the Little Debbie snack cakes. I bought a few boxes of Swiss Rolls and Zebra Cakes. I also bought these frosting covered animal crackers. The US always has the best junk food! I also bought the Target exclusive vinyl edition of the new Sabrina Carpenter album, some t-shirts (Snooki and a Halloween shirt), a bunch of Wish plush figurines, and the most amazing tinsel cardigan. Yes, you read that right. A tinsel cardigan. It was from Forever 21 and was clearly leftover from last Christmas, but for just $5 USD, I was able to add that glitzy sweater to my seasonal wardrobe. It was definitely an exciting find. After a long day of shopping, browsing, and buying, it was back home to enjoy my new treasures....and a few Little Debbie snack cakes. 

So there you have it! A few life updates from some fun-filled days. Though these sorts of events can be really wonderful, there is part of me that is hoping for a quiet and laid back fall season. Fingers crossed there will be lots of time to nest at home. 

How are you enjoying the remaining days of summer? What has been keeping you busy lately?


  1. Thanks for your sharing, have a lovely day

  2. "Cold hands, warm heart" is a well known saying over here. We use it a lot too! That is so sweet though :-D

    1. It was my first time hearing it, so I was taken aback and acted foolish. Story of my life!

  3. Your photo is my favorite picture today. :)

    Have a wonderful weekend

  4. It sounds like you’ve had an incredibly busy but exciting time! Meeting Stephen Yan must have been such a nostalgic and memorable experience, especially with all the fond memories from your childhood.

    I just posted a new blog post, I invite you to read. Thank you:
