Monday, September 2, 2024

welcome peace and the crackling sound of leaves.

Finally! September is here. Though the official first day of fall is on September 22nd, in my mind, this is the start of the best time of year. The "ber" months (September, October, November, and December) are true highlights for me. In September and October, there is sweater weather, pumpkin spice, Halloween movies, candy corn, and spooky decorations. In November and December, there is snow, Christmas music on the radio, and all of the festivities. Ahh....there is so much to enjoy and so much on the horizon. It feels good to say that September is here. In honour of this new month, here is a little seasonal inspiration.

Now for a few seasonal tag questions to enjoy the start of a new month and the fall season. Feel free to answer these in the comment section below (or on your own blog if you have one) and share a few of your own seasonal secrets...

What Is One Thing You Love About Fall? There is an awful lot that I love about the fall season, but what I love most of all is the feeling that seems to hang in the air. It is a feeling that is full of possibility. It signals a fresh start and renewed sense of hope. 

What Is One Thing You Don't Love About Fall? It is hard to think of anything, to be honest. I really love the fashion, the warm colours, the cooler temperatures, the pumpkin scented things, and Halloween. There is so much to love about this time.

Are You a Pumpkin Spice Fan? Yes! Though I do not drink coffee or anything like that, pumpkin spice candles, chocolates, hot chocolate, and cookies are fair game. I especially love the pumpkin spice chocolates from Lindt. Talk about a delicious treat! 

Where Do You Buy Your Fall Scented Candles? Mostly from Bath & Body Works, but I am not overly picky. It is difficult for me to resist a fall scented candle wherever I happen to be. This year, some candles from stores like Winners, Home Sense, and even the drugstore have been added to my home. I just love warm and cozy scents, especially ones with pumpkin and vanilla.

What Does Your Typical Fall Outfit Look Like? Fall fashion is my favourite. My normal fall outfit is a pair of jeans, a cute crewneck sweatshirt, and a pair of fall boots. (I have several boots. Some with a small heel, some with fringe, and some with lace details.) Once October rolls around, it is fun to mix in Halloween themed items, like my Ghostface plaid shirt or a pair of seasonal earrings. I love that fall fashion is comfortable and cute. It isn't fussy or time consuming. It is simple but stylish. 

Are you excited about the start of September? What are you looking forward to this fall?


  1. I love autumn so much. The colour changes in the leaves and the pumpkins and Hallowe'en :-D I also love pumpkin spice :-D

    1. Right? It is such a beautiful time of year! I feel like I've come alive again already!

  2. Fall is really a beautiful time. I'm not a big fan of cold days, but I love Fall colors, fashion and food!
    Have a wonderful September,

  3. Ich freue mich schon sehr auf den Herbst, weil wir unheimlich gern Pilze sammeln im Wald. LG Romy

    1. Oh how lovely! That definitely sounds like a meaningful fall activity :)

  4. I'm so with you on this. The "ber" months are my absolute favorite! There's just something magical in the air right now! <3

    Lenne |

  5. Aaaaaaa...I'm unfortunately not too fond of fall since I've gotten older...I do love October though for Halloween and I do like wearing coats so there's that:D I just find that the older I get, I just prefer being hot more. When I was young though, I did love fall and winter...the good ole days:D
    Hope you're having a great start to the month so far!

    1. Oh no! I'm so sorry to hear that! Funny enough, as I have gotten older, I prefer the cold over the heat. I am much less able to deal with heat than I used to be!

  6. It was a really busy week but it was nice to do many things :D Thank you.
    Yes it's perfect for my masks <3

    September is always a nice month <3 I love autumn, I love when everything gets a orange touch and I love the Pumpkin Spice Season <3 I had my first Iced Pumpkin Spice Latte on saturday. I absolutely agree with your questions / answers :D

    1. Agree! Everything looks so beautiful and there is pumpkin spice everywhere! So glad you were able to have your first pumpkin spice latte of the season :D

  7. Hello,
    The four seasons have their own peculiarities.
    I liked the lightness of your blog and I join your friends.
    A kiss and have a good week!!!

  8. It's good you are looking forward to the autumn season so much and I like these inspiration pics! It's spring here in Brisbane though and I confess I'm looking forward to the warmer weather and not having to layer, haha!

    1. I hope you have a fabulous spring and can enjoy ditching a few of the layers <3

  9. What beautiful images, Shannon! That autumnal scene just made my heart sing. I can't wait for autumn, my favourite season, to begin in earnest! xxx
