Saturday, June 24, 2023

keep your face to the sunshine.

Somehow...summer has arrived. Quite frankly? My feelings are mixed. I know that a lot of people love this time of year because of the sunshine, vacations, sandals, and barbecues, but this is my least favourite season. It didn't used to be that way. When I was a student, I loved the summer because it was a time of freedom. When I was in my 20s, I loved the summer because everyone was eager to make plans and hang out. Now that I am a little bit older, all the summer makes me feel is hot. Literally. There is no air conditioning in our home (apart from a window unit in the bedroom) and the warm temperatures make the summer months downright unbearable. I dislike the weather and how full my schedule becomes. In recent years, I have started to prefer peace and quiet over the bustling summertime activities. Believe it or not, I actually like not having plans. I don't know if I will always feel this way, but that is where I'm at currently. At any rate, I am doing my best to feel some sense of excitement about the months ahead. So, on that note, here are some summer themed inspiration photos to start the season off right, whether you love summer or are counting down the days until sweater weather returns.

Like it or not, the summer season has arrived. Here is hoping that the next several months will be memorable for all the right reasons. Sound off in the comment section and share some of your summer plans. Will you do some travelling? See old friends? Wear a fabulous new outfit? Maybe visit a theme park or two? The possibilities are endless.


  1. These are fun inspiration pics! I hope that you have a wonderful summer whatever you do end up doing, and that the weather is not too hot!

  2. Thanks a lot =) I would watch the American or Canadian version too, I think it's also interesting there.
    Thanks a lot =) Oh yes the Southern Comfort glass is really nice.

    Great post =) I only like summer when I'm on vacation, with my feet in the ocean and a cocktail in my hand. At home or at work it's terrible, too hot and no cooling.

  3. I hope you have an amazing summer. :)
    I love the aesthetic of all the images in this post.

  4. I am so sorry you are not a fan of summer. I do love it still even in my 30s, especially now when my summer are actually very hot. I like hanging out outside more, getting some sun, sand and salt on my face. This year feels even more special as I have a daughter to show and share it with.

    1. I love that! I definitely wish I felt the same, but I am not great in heat. (I am Canadian after all!) I hope you make lots of magical summer memories!
