Monday, March 17, 2025

look up at the night sky and lose yourself for a while.

2025 started off fairly strong. I was making steady progress on various personal goals (like organizing my computer, backing up photos, working on my book, and exercising consistently) and then life took a turn. Between horrific world leaders, threats to the economy, and a society determined to move backwards, there was already a lot to handle emotionally. Then a loved on started having health issues. The last several weeks have involved hospital visits and an assortment of related tasks, like checking in on the dog, cleaning the house, and making arrangements. Needless to say, 2025 has not been what I hoped it would be. At least, not so far. There are a lot of unknowns right now and that is something that I am really struggling with. I do not deal well with change in general and it seems a ginormous bucket of change has been dumped on my lap. I don't know how to make sense of it. My instinct is to freeze in place and pretend that none of this is real, but it is, and there is so much that needs to be done. I keep moving somehow, despite being overwhelmed, anxious, and desperate to hide under my comforter forever. Normally, this would be a colourful post in honour of St. Patrick's Day. There would be lots of green and gold. Unfortunately, this is not that kind of post. Truth be told, I am still trying to sort out how I feel. I am stilling trying to wrap my head around what comes next. While I do are some photos and quotes that have been inspiring me lately. 

What has been inspiring you lately? How do you keep moving forward when times are tough?


  1. I loved Audrey Hepburn's quote ...

  2. We have no influence on what will happen to us, we only have influence on how we deal with it :) you have to live and have the strength to fight. My Son has been inspiring me for a year, he gives me a lot of strength every day!

  3. Best wishes for your health. That's the most important thing.
    Life sometimes throws a wrench in our plans. But often, good, surprising things await us.


  4. I'm so sorry for your health, really hope that you can resolve and get better asap!
    I know that health is the most important thing and it's pretty totalizing when you have some issues about, but even good things happened to you, isn't it?
    2025 may reserve you many beautiful surprises, just try to don't look only at the bad sides, ok?
    Sending you all the good vibes possible!

  5. Sorry to hear things have been tough for you. After Hallowe'en things got really bad for me and things started to pick up in the middle of Feb this year. Still not fully there but almost. I just kept going, but it was hard to stay positive, it really was. But somehow I managed. And trust me, if I can manage you can too. Do things you love doing, talk to people, go out walking in nature, do volunteering work for a good cause, meet and call and text your friends more.

    I accept the world is a sh*t place and it upsets me but if I dwell on it I'd go mad or wouldn't be here. Nature is my sanctuary, find yours and that will help and lift you up.

    I hope that helps. I know what it is like to be there and how hard it is to get out of that hole no matter what anyone says or does. So here a some BIG HUGS from someone who got out at the other end :-D

  6. The inspirational themes and photographs above are very beautiful...
    it is nice that you have sought out inspiration and beauty to help deal with life's setbacks and challenges. I know that instinct of freezing in place well... and do it a lot.
    I saw a beautiful rainbow recently and am hoping sympathetic leprechauns will find us and bring us a lot of luck (P.S.: I actually am one sixteenth Irish by blood).
    Best wishes for you and yours,
    Today on Saint Patrick's Day and thereafter,
    May the road rise up to meet you;
    May the wind be always at your back;
    May the sun shine warm upon your face;
    May the rains fall soft upon your fields, and;
    Until we meet again,
    May God hold you and yours in the
    palm of Her hand. <3 xx
