Wednesday, July 10, 2024

thirteen years of the creation of beauty is art.

Thirteen years. Somehow, the creation of beauty is art. is a teenager. It is difficult to wrap my head around that statement, because when I first started this beauty blog, it seemed impossible to think beyond the first few posts. Well, thirteen years have passed and this is blog post number 2,404. When I sat down to write my first blog post, my future was uncertain. I had graduated from university, but was working in food service. I didn't know when (or if) anyone would hire me as a writer. Thirteen years later and I happily earn my living writing. A lot of dreams have come true since that first introduction post. 

That first post essentially outlined my mission: to focus on the beautiful things that keep me dreaming. I think, for the most part, I have stayed true to that vision. There have been many posts dedicated to makeup, fashion, movies, books, holidays, and well, whatever inspires me at any given time! However, as the years have passed, my dream also includes a better world for all. In that sense, what is included on the creation of beauty is art. has expanded somewhat. Every now and then, there will be a more personal post where I speak out and share a different piece of who I am. (Thank you to all who have left supportive comments on those kinds of posts. It means more to me than I will ever be able to express.) Over the years, I have learned that beauty is so much more than I initially thought. There is beauty in makeup and clothes, of course, but there is also beauty in meaningful work, in justice, and in hope. My definition of beauty has grown, but my love for all things beauty remains. 

This post is simply to acknowledge the anniversary of the creation of beauty is art. and to thank all who read, comment, and share. This little piece of the internet has brought so much joy and fulfillment to my life. Here is to another year of blogging! 


  1. Kudos and congratulations on all of your artistically creative beauty lifestyle and blogging accomplishments! Your blog posts and videos are a treat to read, look at, think about and watch!
    Happy 13th Blogiversary!!!!!!

  2. Oh yes the year is flying by and the summer is flying by too :D So much rain this year. My June was really nice and July will be great too.
    Thanks a lot <3 Yes the changing weather is so bad for my head.
    Oh I love everything with lavender, it smells so relaxing. Thank you =) I like my new stuff.

    Happy Birthday to your blog <3 13 years is really a long time =) Next year my blog is also 13 years old, absoluteley crazy.

    1. Oh yes I'm really excited, I can't wait anymore <3 Thanks a lot.

    2. Thank you! It is wonderful that you have been blogging for such a long time as well :D


  3. Congratulations on your blog birthday!
    It's been 15 years for me now, I'll post it soon. :)
    Have a nice evening

  4. Happy 13th blogversary!!!!
    Wow, such long time!
    Keep an going your great work, I was happy to (virtually) met you!

    1. Thank you so much! I'm happy to virtually know you as well <3

  5. Congratulations on reaching such an incredible milestone! Thirteen years of dedication to your passion is truly inspiring. Your journey from uncertain beginnings to living your dream as a writer is a testament to perseverance and the beauty you share with the world. Here's to many more years of blogging and spreading inspiration! Read my new blog post at

    1. Aww thank you so much! You are always so thoughtful and kind. I appreciate it very much <3

  6. Congratulations on the 13th Anniversary of your blog, Shannon!
    I celebrated my 8th Anniversary back in March, and like yours, my blog has definitely evolved since then. Like life, blogging is a journey, and it would be a sad state of affairs if things remained the same.
    I'm thankful for that first comment you left on my blog, which was the start of our blogging relationship. I'm so glad to have "met" you! Please do keep doing keep on blogging about whatever is important in your life! xxx

    1. Thank you so much and congratulations for eight amazing years! I always love reading your posts. I'm so glad to have "met" you as well. Thank you for always being so kind and supportive <3
