Monday, December 31, 2012

write it on your heart that every day is the best day in the year.

It is amazing how quickly time seems to go by. Already, another year is about to begin. I always love this time of year, because anything seems possible.

Saturday, December 29, 2012

christmas waves a magic wand over this world, and behold, everything is softer and more beautiful.

I hope you all had a fantastic Christmas! I can't wait to hear about your experiences.

Christmas is my favourite time of year, so I am always a little sad once it is over. Looking at my  pictures from the holiday season cheers me right back up, though! Here are some of my favourites.

Tuesday, December 25, 2012

Sunday, December 23, 2012

christmas, my child, is love in action. every time we love, every time we give, it's christmas.

With Christmas quickly approaching, I am busy trying to balance my responsibilities with my favourite Christmas traditions. Lately, I have been thinking a lot about my favourite Christmas memories.

Wednesday, December 19, 2012

it’s true what you heard, i'm a freak, i’m disturbed.

Sometimes you hear a song for the first time, and know instantly that you love it.

This is how I felt the first time I heard Christina Aguilera's first single from her new album, Lotus. Your Body is catchy, fun, and bold - just like Christina! I bought her album the day it came out and have been listening to it non-stop since.

Monday, December 17, 2012

beauty is only skin deep.

One of my least favourite things about winter, is the damage it does to my skin. I have dry skin to begin with, but the harsh winds and winter cold make it even worse. This year, I am trying to be diligent in my skin care routine. A little while back, I picked up a Garnier skin care set, specifically targeted for people with dry skin. It included the Garnier Body 7 Day Intensive Care Repairing Body Lotion, Moisture Rescue Makeup Removing Wipes and the Moisture Rescue Gel Face Lotion.

Saturday, December 15, 2012

it was magical, this snow globe world.

As December soldiers on, I find myself wishing I had a holiday party to go to. I love getting dressed up, and the holidays are always the perfect excuse! Since I am without a glitzy gathering this year, I decided to create my perfect holiday look instead.

Thursday, December 13, 2012

among my most prized possessions are the words that I have never spoken.

Some things are more important than others.

Loving fashion, beauty, music, and books as I do...well, I have a lot of stuff. Out of everything I own, there are a few items that stand out among the rest.

Tuesday, December 11, 2012

christmas favourites.

As I've mentioned, Christmas is my favourite time of year. Like most people, I have my own traditions, both with my family and of my own. The traditions are what make the holiday season so special. Here are some of my favourites.

Sunday, December 9, 2012

a picture is a secret about a secret, the more it tells you the less you know.

I'll admit - I still do not like Miley Cyrus' new haircut. For some reason, it just doesn't work for me. However, I recently came across this older picture of her that I totally fell in love with!

Friday, December 7, 2012

reviews: new drugstore makeup

Over the last little while, I have tried a few new drugstore makeup products: Maybelline BB Cream, Maybelline Fit Me Blush and Rimmel's Match Perfection 2 in 1 Concealer.  I have had mixed reactions to these products, and wanted to share my thoughts with you!

Monday, December 3, 2012

winter is the time for comfort, for good food and warmth.

I still can't believe that it is December already! I am constantly counting down the days until Christmas - my favourite time of year. To get myself in the Christmas spirit (not that I need any help with that!) I've come up with my Winter Wants list.

Saturday, December 1, 2012

love it or leave it?

Finally, it is December 1st! Now people can stop telling me it's too early to watch Christmas movies and listen to Christmas carols. I hope you are all excited that it is officially the holiday season.

I have the biggest girl crush on Keira Knightley. Why? Just look at her! She embodies classic beauty and sophistication. There is just something about Keira that stands out.

At the premiere of her latest movie, Anna Karenina, Keira looked ready for Spring with pastels, florals, and a perfect pouty pink lip.

Thursday, November 29, 2012

i will honor Christmas in my heart, and try to keep it all the year.

Christmas has always been the greatest time of year for me. When my mom was growing up, they didn't celebrate any holidays. As a result, she always made sure that every holiday was memorable for my siblings and I.

Sunday, November 25, 2012

to live is the rarest thing in the world. most people exist, that is all.

Ever since I got my new camera, I have been trying to take more pictures of my life - from when I go out, to the little things in my every day life. I wanted to share some of them with you, so here are pictures of my life lately.

Friday, November 23, 2012

a Christmas shopper's complaint is one of long-standing.

First of all, I want to thank everyone for the incredibly sweet comments on my last post. It's so hard trying to balance everything, but it's good knowing that there are other people out there in the same boat.

Wednesday, November 21, 2012

you only live once, but if you do it right, once is enough.

November has been a busy month, but I am trying to make the most of every moment.

Lately I feel like I need to sit back and relax. In more recent months, I have been so focused on being productive and getting things done, that I haven't had much time to take it all in.

Monday, November 19, 2012

my sunglasses are like my guitar.

Okay, confession time: I am a sunglasses addict. I don't know how it happened or when, but somehow they have become my favourite fashion accessory. Recently, I was lucky enough to receive a stunning pair of sunglasses from Firmoo. These sunglasses are unlike any other pair I own - they are dramatic, futuristic, trendy, and stylish. I just love the purple tinted lenses! The sunglasses also fit perfectly, which is probably my favourite thing about Firmoo - they fit the glasses specifically to your face.

Saturday, November 17, 2012

happiness comes in all colours of the rainbow.

In my birthday post, I showed you the newest additions to my makeup collection. I was lucky enough to receive the Andy Warhol kit from NARS and the Head of the Class set from Hello Kitty. Now that I have been using these products for the last little while, I wanted to share my thoughts on them.

Thursday, November 15, 2012

style is a simple way of saying complicated things.

As much as I love gorgeous fall colours, I hate fall weather! As the temperature continues to drop, I keep missing the summer weather.

When it comes to staying stylish for fall, I have been fighting my urge to live in sweatpants and hoodies. On the plus side, there are certain pieces in my wardrobe that make me want to take off my sweats and glam it up! Here are some of my favourite pieces of clothing to wear this fall.

Tuesday, November 13, 2012

hairstyle is the final tip-off whether or not a woman really knows herself.

Recently, I have been writing about various hairstyles for Hairstyle Stars and I've really been enjoying it! I just wanted to quickly post links to some of the articles I've done that have been posted on the website. If any of them interest you, I would love for you to check them out!

Sunday, November 11, 2012

the only real elegance is in the mind; if you’ve got that, the rest really comes from it.

Let’s be honest – Kristen Stewart’s style can be a hit or miss. When it comes to her red carpet fashion choices, I find myself in awe or recoiling in horror. 

When I saw pictures of Kristen at the premiere of On The Road at the AFI Fest in LA, I truly fell in love with her look. Not everyone will agree with me on this one. For me, this red carpet look was a knockout! I loved the blend of masculine and feminine style. Kristen looked strong and daring.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012

laine blogger award

Tag the blogger who awarded you.
Answer the 5 questions below.
Award the Laine Blogger Award to 5 of your favorite bloggers.

I hope your week is going well so far. I am trying to be as productive as possible, but it's difficult sometimes! Onto today's post: I am really excited, because I was recently nominated for the Laine Blogger award by the wonderful Tracey at Marienni Blog!

Saturday, November 3, 2012

interview: makeup by saz

As a beauty blogger, I am inspired by many talented people. One of my biggest inspirations, is Sarah from Makeup By Saz. If you don't know her - you should!

This Irish Beauty Therapist is super talented and is gaining fans from all over the world. She has her own Blog and YouTube Channel where she posts tutorials, outfits of the day, and more!

Recently, I was lucky enough to ask Sarah some questions. I am such a big fan of her work, and I am really excited to share the interview with you!

Thursday, November 1, 2012

now look at me, I'm sparkling, a firework, a dancing flame.

This year for Halloween, I dressed up as Katy Perry. I had been planning this for ages, because I absolutely love Katy Perry! Her style is so fun and playful. I love her bold, colourful makeup, hair, and personality. It was a very easy choice for a costume this year! I was able to channel my inner Katy Perry at a Halloween party I went to. It took ages getting ready, but it was fun.

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

eat, drink, and be scary.

Happy Halloween!

Happy Halloween, everyone!

I love holidays, and Halloween is no exception. It's nice to get dressed up, spend time with friends, and just have a good time! That is what holidays are all about.

Sunday, October 28, 2012

a wise lover values not so much the gift of the lover as the love of the giver.

I always feel very spoiled when it comes to my birthday. My loved ones certainly spoiled me rotten with birthday presents this year. I don't feel like I deserve them, but they sure are nice to have!

Here are some of the things I was lucky enough to receive for my birthday from my family this year.

Friday, October 26, 2012

then I go out at night and paint the stars.

Getting dressed and ready to go out is always a fun experience for me. Lately, I have gone out a little more than usual, to a concert and for my birthday dinners with my boyfriend and my family. So, I used these occasions as an excuse to look my best!

Here are some pictures of my life lately!

Wednesday, October 24, 2012

how old would you be if you didn't know how old you are?

Happy Birthday To Me!

Today is my birthday! 

I always get really excited when it comes to my birthday. I have a twin brother, so, growing up, I always had to share everything....which is why in the past, I made such a big deal out of celebrating my birthday - I wanted to have my own special experience.

This year, though, I am keeping it low-key. I booked the day off work so I could relax, and tonight I am going out to dinner with my family and my boyfriend. I am hoping to spend some time with friends later on in the week as well! I am looking forward to taking it easy today. And eating lots of cake!

I hope you all have a great day!

Monday, October 22, 2012

inspired by: katy perry

When it comes to celebrities, few inspire me the way that Katy Perry does. I am even dressing up as her this Halloween! From her outrageous and bold fashion choices to her fun personality, Katy is never boring. Not only is Katy Perry's music amazing, but her makeup is always flawless. She brings fun and whimsy to every look. Katy's makeup typically fuses bright candy colours and retro style together to create her signature look! Whenever I'm in a makeup rut, I try to channel my inner Katy Perry. That means incorporating fun, bright colours without looking back.

Here are some of my favourite Katy Perry makeup looks to keep you inspired this week.

Saturday, October 20, 2012

the heart and mind are the true lens of the camera.

Lucky me, I have a new camera!

My wonderful boyfriend gave me the camera before I went away to England - an early birthday present! My old camera didn't focus well and the buttons stuck, but it was doing the job. I wanted to save up for a better one....but my boyfriend beat me to it. It is a Sony Cyber-Shot - and it's red! It is so so cute.

I am absolutely loving my new camera. The flash is better, it focuses so well and the colours are more vibrant. Every time I use it, I feel very spoiled indeed.

What do you have planned this weekend?

Thursday, October 18, 2012

review: real techniques brushes

Like so many beauty bloggers, I am a big fan of Sam and Nic from Pixiwoo. I was so excited when Sam originally released her Real Techniques makeup brush line! Unfortunately, the brushes aren't available where I live. So, when I visited London, I hit up every Boots I could. I was able to find the Base Core Collection and Eyes Starter Set. Sadly, the amazing stippling brush I keep hearing so much about was sold out every place I went. But - I am so excited to finally have my hands on these brushes.

Tuesday, October 16, 2012

london shopping haul part 2: accessories

 First of all, I just want to wish my boyfriend a happy birthday! His birthday is tomorrow, but because he is working, we are celebrating it today. Can't wait to spoil him!

Now onto today's post! There is nothing like the perfect accessory to finish off an outfit! While I was in London, I added a few new accessories to my collection that I adore.

Sunday, October 14, 2012

london: shopping haul!

Like a lot of people, I love shopping. And whenever I go to London, I tend to do a lot of it! I tried to be good this year, but once I hit Primark, that kind of went out the window!

Most of my shopping was done at HMV, Primark, New Look, Next, and Waterstones. I ended up buying a ton of books, but didn't photograph them all - Katie Price books are my guilty pleasure, so I stocked up!

Here is some of my London shopping haul!

Wednesday, October 10, 2012

london, thou art the flower of cities all!

As you all know, I recently got back from visiting London, England. It is my favourite place in the world. While I was there, I did far too much shopping, went to the Making of Harry Potter Studio Tour, Kensington Palace, had tea at Fortnum and Mason, and went on the Jack the Ripper walk. It was a nice week away from work, though I missed my boyfriend terribly! Here are some of my pictures from the trip....

Monday, October 8, 2012

wear perfume wherever you want to be kissed.

“A woman's perfume tells more about her than her handwriting.”
- Christian Dior

Happy Thanksgiving to all of my fellow Canadians! I am still getting caught up on my trip to London, England. I will be sure to post pictures of my trip in my next post. Can't wait to share them with you! Until then....

I came across this quote recently and was completely struck by it. I absolutely love fragrances. They are the perfect way to finish off your outfit and make you feel confident and beautiful.

Saturday, October 6, 2012

the ache for home lives in all of us.

Home again! There is always something bittersweet about coming back from a vacation. I had an incredible time while I was in London, but it's quite nice having someone special to come home to!

I can't wait to share some of my experience with you all. Until then, I will try and get caught up on what I've missed - the downfall of traveling!

How has your week been?

Friday, September 28, 2012

by seeing london, I have seen as much of life as the world can show.

I leave for London, England tomorrow morning! I have been lucky enough to visit several times over the years, but every time I go, I am just as excited. London is my favourite place in the world - other than home, of course!

If things are quiet here for the next week, it is because I am off shopping and sight-seeing. I hope you all have an amazing week!

Wednesday, September 26, 2012

guest post: Mainly Meghan

Hi everyone! I hope your week is going well so far - only two more days until the weekend! I wanted to introduce the very first guest post on the creation of beauty is art. by Meghan from Mainly Meghan! Thanks so much to Meghan for this amazing fall inspired post!

Monday, September 24, 2012

you think i'm pretty without any makeup on.

When it comes to makeup, I am like a kid in a candy store. It doesn't matter where I am - drugstore, Sephora, MAC - suddenly, my impulse control vanishes. I love trying out new makeup products, colours, brands....I just can't get enough! I'm sure there are quite a few people out there who relate to this problem! I recently added a few new things to my makeup collection.

Saturday, September 22, 2012

on the way to every story's happy ending.

Anyone who knows me, knows that I am a Scott MacIntyre fan. The multi-talented musician, author, and American Idol Season 8 top 10 finalist, recently taped an interview for 100 Huntley Street. Since I am such a massive fan of his, I had to be there.

Despite the short notice and the two hour drive to get there, I saw Scott MacIntyre. It was such a wonderful experience! I was able to watch him perform two original songs and film the interview segments. I also met his beautiful wife, Christina, for the first time - she was so lovely.

Thursday, September 20, 2012

favourite fall trend: baroque

With each new season comes a new fashion trend. This fall season, my favourite trend has to be Baroque. I cannot get enough of the rich, ornate pieces that are flooding the runway. The Baroque trend is inspired by the clothing worn by the nobility during the Baroque period of the 16th and 17th century. This style of clothing is ornate, rich, and decorative. This period represented luxury, so this trend is about being a little over the top! The Baroque period has been inspiring many designers collections, from Dolce and Gabana to Armani.

Tuesday, September 18, 2012

and falling's just another way to fly.

I love traveling and taking vacations. It seems I am always saving up to take one or am dreaming of some place to go! Recently, my boyfriend and I took a weekend trip up to Niagara Falls. It felt way too short, but it was a ton of fun. While we were in Niagara Falls, we kept ourselves busy by checking out the falls and going through the novelty museums on Clifton Hill. It was the perfect getaway from everything. Since I can't resist a good novelty photo, we took a ton of pictures during our time there. Here are a few of them!

Sunday, September 16, 2012

new makeup post: fall luxe box edition + giveaway winner!

Before I get to today's post, I am super excited to announce the winner of the VIVI Clothes $15 (US) Voucher giveaway! The voucher goes to Selina from Capturing Everyday Beauty, who has been contacted with the prize! Thanks to everyone who entered, and congratulations to Selina!

Now, onto today's post!

A new season means a new Luxe Box! I love getting things in the mail - that aren't bills! And I love trying out new beauty products! Which is why I am always so excited when my Luxe Box arrives!

Friday, September 14, 2012

zest is the secret of all beauty. there is no beauty that is attractive without zest.

Editing Note: Since Dior continues to support a court-certified wife beater, I no longer support the brand. Believe survivors. 

Dior's DiorShow mascara is one of my all-time favourite mascaras to use. The original formula is incredible for lengthening and thickening lashes. The mascara creates a bold and dramatic look! I cannot get enough of this mascara! When I heard about Dior's DiorShow: New Look mascara, I couldn't wait to try it.

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

keep your face to the sunshine and you cannot see a shadow.

I love when a makeup look comes together just right. I was going through some pictures on my computer from the summer and found a few makeup looks I captured because I felt so great after I had finished them! Here are some of those looks.

Monday, September 10, 2012

love it or leave it?

Avril Lavigne has been making a lot of headlines lately. Her engagement to Nickelback frontman, Chad Kroeger raised a whole lot of eyebrows! It isn't just her engagement that has been making news...

Avril recently attended the Magic Fashion and Apparel Trade Show at the Las Vegas Convention Center. She was there to promote her fashion line, Abbey Dawn. She wrote a long black skirt, a baggy Abbey Dawn t-shirt, a black fedora, and a pair of bright red glasses, to the event.

Saturday, September 8, 2012

you may have a fresh start any moment you choose.

Sometimes, I am very spoiled. Recently, my mom bought me a few new pieces from Joe Fresh for no reason at all! It is always nice to come home to new clothes! Here are the latest additions to my wardrobe....

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

in high school i tried out for the spelling team, but only because I wanted a letterman jacket.

With September in full swing, I have become super inspired by Letterman jackets. There is something about that All-American look that is just perfect for fall! I recently threw my own Letterman jacket (a great buy from H&M!) over a tank top and shorts to create a simple fall look - great for the transition between the summer and fall months! Recently, Taylor Swift was seen rocking an over-sized Letterman jacket! It completely pulled her retro-inspired look together! Here are some Letterman inspiration pictures to get you excited about fall.

Sunday, September 2, 2012

september days are here with summer’s best of weather and autumn’s best of cheer.

How on earth is it September already?? I find myself wondering how summer went by so quickly. Is anyone else having this problem?

I had an amazing summer. I spent it with a lot of great people, having fun, experiencing new things, and enjoying the warm weather. I worked a lot this summer, but it has largely been rewarding and exciting.

I was lucky enough to end my summer with a concert from my favourite band - Hanson! Hanson concerts are my happy place. I was thrilled to say goodbye to summer in such a perfect way!

On an unrelated note, this is my 250th post - hard to believe, but super exciting!

I hope you all had amazing summers! What were your highlights?

Friday, August 31, 2012

the only failure is not knowing how to be happy.

When music, fashion, and photography come together, it is a beautiful thing. This is exactly what happened in Celine Dion's latest magazine spread! After seeing Celine Dion's photos for V magazine, I was so inspired. What I love most about this set of photos is how dramatic they are. Celine looks sultry, strong, and exudes sex appeal. At the same time, she still manages to look sweet and flirty. I also am a big fan of black and white photography, so this photoshoot was a hit for me.

What do you think of these photos of Celine Dion?

Monday, August 27, 2012

all the gold which is under or upon the earth is not enough to give in exchange for virtue.

In honour of the 50th anniversary of James Bond, OPI is bringing out an 18 karat gold leaf top coat inspired by the franchise! This is in addition to the other 12 James Bond inspired nail polish colours that will be released in October to gear up for the release of Skyfall.

OPI's gold leaf top coat will be called The Man with the Golden Gun Packaged in a limited edition gold bottle, it will cost $38 a bottle.

Are you excited for all of the new OPI shades? Do you think you'll purchase The Man with the Golden Gun?