Monday, March 24, 2025

theme week: the breakfast club x physicians formula (mini reviews)

"You see us as you want to see us - in the simplest terms. In the most convenient definitions." Though I can't remember the first time that I watched The Breakfast Club, I have many memories of watching it over the years. It used to play on television just about every weekend when I was a teenager, so plenty of my Sunday afternoons were spent learning from Claire, Bender, Brian, Allison, and Andy. It has long been one of my favourite movies, as so many John Hughes films seem to be. When my mom and I had a belated Valentine's Day celebration together, she gifted me a Physicians Formula set themed around The Breakfast Club. That visit was the last time things felt normal, so this theme week is a little bittersweet. Bitter, because so much has changed since that day. Sweet, because I recognize how lucky I am to have had lots of special celebrations with my family over the years. Despite the fact that there are still a lot of unknowns at the moment, my intention is to make sure the posts this week are full of love and nostalgia. The first post in this theme week is dedicated to the collection and a few mini reviews. In the days to come, there will be even more makeup reviews and makeup looks highlighting the different products.

Friday, March 21, 2025

fun spring fashion trends for 2025.

The spring season is often associated with soft pastel colours. This year? The spring fashion trends are a little bit different. From dark romance to exaggerated accessories, there is a lot that makes the latest trends stand out compared to years past. Though it is hard to believe spring is officially here...we are starting to dip our toes into the months most often associated with sunshine and flowers. On that note, it is time to get inspired. Here are some fun spring fashion trends for 2025. 

Wednesday, March 19, 2025

review and reveal: charmed aroma aladdin candle

Though the Charmed Aroma store in my area closed last year, every now and then, someone orders me something from the brand online. For Valentine's Day, a loved one gifted me the Aladdin Genie Lamp Jewelry Candle. It was very exciting to receive because I love candles, jewellery, and Disney movies. It really checked all of the boxes. Ready to learn more about this Aladdin inspired candle? Find out about the candle scent and what was inside? Keep reading for a Charmed Aroma review and reveal.  

Monday, March 17, 2025

look up at the night sky and lose yourself for a while.

2025 started off fairly strong. I was making steady progress on various personal goals (like organizing my computer, backing up photos, working on my book, and exercising consistently) and then life took a turn. Between horrific world leaders, threats to the economy, and a society determined to move backwards, there was already a lot to handle emotionally. Then a loved on started having health issues. The last several weeks have involved hospital visits and an assortment of related tasks, like checking in on the dog, cleaning the house, and making arrangements. Needless to say, 2025 has not been what I hoped it would be. At least, not so far. There are a lot of unknowns right now and that is something that I am really struggling with. I do not deal well with change in general and it seems a ginormous bucket of change has been dumped on my lap. I don't know how to make sense of it. My instinct is to freeze in place and pretend that none of this is real, but it is, and there is so much that needs to be done. I keep moving somehow, despite being overwhelmed, anxious, and desperate to hide under my comforter forever. Normally, this would be a colourful post in honour of St. Patrick's Day. There would be lots of green and gold. Unfortunately, this is not that kind of post. Truth be told, I am still trying to sort out how I feel. I am stilling trying to wrap my head around what comes next. While I do are some photos and quotes that have been inspiring me lately. 

Friday, March 14, 2025

#FOTD feat. nyx machinist shadow palette (steam)

Cool toned eyeshadows make my heart happy. Even though I adore warm colours (especially once the summer season rolls around) it is cool toned beauty products that have been really making me smile. That is the reason the NYX Machinist Shadow Palette in Steam has been a standout recently. There are so many cool colours to choose from. Pun intended! Ready to take a look inside? Check out a recent #FOTD? Here is everything you need to know about this steampunk themed release.

Wednesday, March 12, 2025

what i've been watching lately (movies and television shows)

What have you been watching lately? Though spring is right around the corner, the weather remains wet and cool. That makes it extra enticing to stay inside and unwind with a good movie or show. There is nothing better than an clear schedule, a warm blanket, and some entertainment. On that note, here are some of the things that I have been watching lately.

Monday, March 10, 2025

review: kylie cosmetics (wisp lash mascara)

Over the years, many mascaras have been put to the test and reviewed on the creation of beauty is art. My all-time favourite was The Super Sizer from Cover Girl, but it doesn't seem to be available in stores and says "Out of Stock" on the Cover Girl website. I assume it has been discontinued, because whenever I find an essential beauty item, it seems to be reformulated or discontinued. Sigh! There have been a few mascaras that have impressed since, but none as much as The Super Sizer. Recently, I was able to put the Wisp Lash Mascara from Kylie Cosmetics to the test. Curious? Keep reading for a full review...