Friday, June 28, 2024

music is to the soul what words are to the mind.

Music has a way of softening the edges. It expresses what cannot be expressed, it makes happy moments happier, and it is a safe place to hide. Music has long been an important part of my life and who I am. Though what I am listening to may shift and change depending on my mood, there are usually a handful of songs in heavy rotation at any given time. Today, I wanted to share some of those songs. Just in case you are looking for a little something special to add to your next playlist. 

Wednesday, June 26, 2024

summer experiences: visiting canada's wonderland

It has been many years since I last visited Canada's Wonderland. And even more since I visited during the summer months. This theme park used to be an essential part of the season for my family. We often had season passes and would visit the park multiple times. Sometimes, even with extended family! I have so many wonderful memories of the way the theme park used to be, with Flintstones themed areas, restaurants, and a Smurfs cave. Things have certainly changed since then! The kids section is Snoopy themed now and there are all sorts of massive rollercoasters scattered throughout the park. My brother and I have been talking about visiting again for the last couple of years and finally we did it.  Here are some highlights from the day.

Monday, June 24, 2024

welcome summer + colourful seasonal makeup look

Hello summer! It is official. The summer season has arrived. For a lot of people, this is the best time of the year. School is out, the sun is shining, and there are fun seasonal activities to enjoy. Though I am looking forward to a few events over the next couple of months, my heart is dreaming of fallen leaves, crisp air, and sweater weather. I am definitely a fall and winter kind of person. Ahh well. Fingers crossed this summer will be a great one anyway. To welcome in a fresh new season, it only made sense to incorporate a little colour into a recent makeup look. The Pro Pigment Palette Volume 3 from the ABH Norvina Collection is bright, bold, and ideal for this time of year. Keep reading for a mini review and sunshine inspired makeup look.

Friday, June 21, 2024

testing out cheetos inspired nail polish

Themed makeup? Why not themed nail polish? One of my friends came across the Taste Beauty x Cheetos Flamin' Hot nail polish duo recently and very kindly gifted it to me. I could not wait to try it out for myself. Not only have I been using the Cheetos themed eyeshadow palette lately, but the nail polish colours looked really fun. This set has two polishes and some themed nail decals. Ready to take a closer look? Keep reading for a review of this Cheetos inspired nail set. 

Wednesday, June 19, 2024

anger is an assertion of rights and worth. it is the expression of hope.

"Rage became a layer of my skin." This quote sums up my feelings at the moment. Though the book, Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women's Anger was returned to my local library a few weeks back, it is still on my mind. Especially since my anger has motivated me to take action. For those unaware, I no longer support the brand Dior, because of their continued choice to platform a rapist and court certified wife beater. I have sent emails that are unanswered. I have commented on social media. And after seeing the brand share yet another photograph of that violent misogynist, I decided to phone Dior as well. After voicing my complaint that the brand attempts to normalize someone who said unspeakable things and promotes violence against women...I was told that my call would be elevated...only to be hung up on. Interesting. Not to worry! My anger continues to motivate me to speak out. To send more emails. To call. To comment. And even to post here on the creation of beauty is art. Though society expects me to feel ashamed of my anger, I recognize that it has the power to push me into action. I will use my anger to speak out against brands who harm women, stand against survivors, and prop up abusers. 

Monday, June 17, 2024

current obsession: michael kors sunglasses

Sunglasses season is in session. Now that the sun is shining on a more regular basis (though there have been a few rainy days recently) it is time to make the most of my sunglasses collection. I don't know exactly how many pairs of sunglasses are in my possession, but it is enough that I have cut myself off of from buying more for the time being. I just love the way a cute pair can make an outfit feel extra special. They are the ultimate summer accessory! Ready to take a peek at my current favourite pair? 

Friday, June 14, 2024

random things that are making me happy lately.

Life has been a little uneven lately. Truth be told, there have been a handful of stressful events in recent weeks. Like construction on our balcony and a massive apartment repair that will happen in the near future. (Ceiling repair...which means everything in our living room and hallway needs to be packed away and moved into another room for a few days.) There was also a celebration of life that was incredibly difficult. In response to all of this, I have been trying to focus on happy things as much as possible lately. Here are a few of the things that have been making life a little more beautiful in recent weeks.

Wednesday, June 12, 2024

does it work?? colourpop super shock shadow

Every now and then, some ColourPop makeup products seem to find their way to stores like Winners and Marshalls. I've tried a few items from the brand (the High School Musical collection was kindly gifted to me by one of my dear friends and some Powerpuff Girls and Lizzie McGuire items were found at Winners) but I am not overly familiar with their releases. I know some people have a ton of stuff from ColourPop, but I am mostly interested in the themed collaborations. That being said, when I saw one of their Super Shock Shadows...I decided to add it to my cart. I've heard a lot of rave reviews about this formula and was curious to see how the shadow really performed. So...does it work?? Here is everything you need to know.

Monday, June 10, 2024

recent library book reviews

Books are always a good idea. Recently, an afternoon was spent browsing the shelves at the nearby library for something interesting to read. I wasn't looking for any genre in particular, but was open to whatever happened to catch my eye that day. Though I spent a long time looking at the young adult section for something fun or choices ended up largely being non-fiction titles. I need to work on this, because my 20/20 reading goal for the year (20 non-fiction and 20 fiction) is rather lopsided at the moment. I've already hit my non-fiction reading goal, but I am falling behind on my fiction books. Those will definitely be the focus in the next little bit. For now, it is time for mini reviews of these recent library books.

Friday, June 7, 2024

r.e.m. beauty yours truly makeup set (mini reviews + FOTD)

It has been nice having r.e.m. beauty products available in Canada. There is a lot that I have enjoyed so far. Recently, the limited edition Yours Truly Makeup Set was released from the brand. It includes three different products: Lustrous Liquid Shadow, Highlighter, and Plumping Lip Gloss. These colours are all really beautiful and wearable. Plus, it was a nice way to test out a few other offerings from r.e.m. beauty. Ready to take a closer look? Here are some mini reviews and a recent #FOTD. 

Wednesday, June 5, 2024

the only way to find your voice is to use it.

One of my loved ones recently had some harsh words for me in response to an open discussion about who I am, what I believe, and what matters most. (Spoiler alert: this includes standing against abusers, elevating the voices of survivors, and not giving money to companies, brands, or artists who support violence and misogyny.) It was a deeply upsetting conversation for a lot reasons. I told them how important it is that I use my voice and try to make a positive difference...and I was told that my efforts do not make a difference and do not matter. That I will not create change. That I am being ridiculous. Of course, I have been thinking about this conversation a lot in recent days as I try to figure out how to move forward with someone who completely disregards the most important parts of me. In truth, it is not something I quite know how to do.

Monday, June 3, 2024

testing out a cheetos themed eyeshadow palette

What is it about novelty items? They are always hard for me to resist. The sillier something is...the more I want to put it to use. Take the Cheetos Flamin' Hot Crunchy Eyeshadow Palette as an example. This was something that I came across a few times at Winners. I tried to resist. In fact, I did resist the palette on a few different occasions, but eventually, temptation won out. I just had to find out whether the Cheetos themed palette was fun, ridiculous, or something else entirely. Ready to find out?