Wednesday, June 19, 2024

anger is an assertion of rights and worth. it is the expression of hope.

"Rage became a layer of my skin." This quote sums up my feelings at the moment. Though the book, Rage Becomes Her: The Power of Women's Anger was returned to my local library a few weeks back, it is still on my mind. Especially since my anger has motivated me to take action. For those unaware, I no longer support the brand Dior, because of their continued choice to platform a rapist and court certified wife beater. I have sent emails that are unanswered. I have commented on social media. And after seeing the brand share yet another photograph of that violent misogynist, I decided to phone Dior as well. After voicing my complaint that the brand attempts to normalize someone who said unspeakable things and promotes violence against women...I was told that my call would be elevated...only to be hung up on. Interesting. Not to worry! My anger continues to motivate me to speak out. To send more emails. To call. To comment. And even to post here on the creation of beauty is art. Though society expects me to feel ashamed of my anger, I recognize that it has the power to push me into action. I will use my anger to speak out against brands who harm women, stand against survivors, and prop up abusers. 

I am angry that companies, like Dior, choose to use their power to harm others. I am angry that every well known abuser has a sea of defenders. And I am especially angry that survivors suffer the consequences of both abusers and their enablers. Today, I want to honour my anger by sharing some quotes and images that represent how I feel. I spent many years trying to push aside anything that wasn't "nice" or "pretty" or "fun" or "sweet." Unfortunately, the world isn't always nice, pretty, fun, or sweet. Especially when people go out of their way to cause harm. Consider this a love letter to righteous anger. May it fuel all of us to create positive change in the world and push back against evil. Because, yes, companies that platform abusers are evil.  

There is still a small part of me that feels I should apologize for being angry and for sharing that anger here. For taking this little piece of the internet and posting about a difficult subject instead of makeup and fashion. But I want the creation of beauty is art. to represent who I am, what I believe, and what matters most. A lot of the time, that might be blush or an eyeshadow palette or a movie that made me smile, but sometimes, it is about companies, like Dior, who use their power to destroy. 


  1. Anger is a feature that accompanies every person. I'm sure of it. Sometimes it is justified, sometimes it is needed.

  2. This is such an inspiring post, Shannon. We should never be afraid to speak about our values. Even if I may not completely agree with some people on issues, I will always support a woman's right to speak out.

    1. I appreciate that about you so much! You're a wonderful person <3

  3. Wow I had no idea. I admire your efforts. Yes the world can be very frustrating and I don't know why brands do things like this. Particularly in todays day and age...

    Allie of

    1. Right? I really don't understand a lot of the decisions that are made.

  4. Thanks I will have a great picnic with this cooler bag =)
    This was really delicious <3 I have to make it again. I love cooking but only for myself I'm a little bit lazy. So it's nice when I can cook for my grandpa =)
    It was so much fun at this festival =) And I can't wait for my next one. Yesterday I won a festival in the middle of July, so it's just one month to go :D
    Thanks, I do my best =) It was a really delicious week.

    Really great post and I'm absolutely confirm with you.
    I'm angry with so many people everyday because they think they're the only ones on this planet and don't think about others. So I have to scream sometimes at home xD

    1. I feel like this issue continues to get worse. It is very difficult to deal with!

  5. Ich glaube Wut kann einen neue Kraft geben und regelrecht anspornen. Und dann findet man auch wieder seinen Frieden. LG Romy

  6. I totally agree and understand you!!!
    I'm that kind of person that is naturally inclined toward anger (much more than other emotions like sadness or shame or so...) and for my whole life, especially my parents, scolded me because this is no good see in a girl/woman, so frustrating!
    Now I'm much more at ease with my emotions, since ,like you, I've learned to transform it in somenting less distructive and more useful (like sport or art), and I dont hide no more my anger but I make it flows in the right way: it's such powerful and right emotion, and it really helped me to front persons and situations I didn't like!
    Sending you and high five!^^

    1. That sounds so frustrating. I'm sorry that you had to deal with those kinds of reactions. How you feel is valid and important! Thank you so much for your comment <3
