Friday, June 28, 2024

music is to the soul what words are to the mind.

Music has a way of softening the edges. It expresses what cannot be expressed, it makes happy moments happier, and it is a safe place to hide. Music has long been an important part of my life and who I am. Though what I am listening to may shift and change depending on my mood, there are usually a handful of songs in heavy rotation at any given time. Today, I wanted to share some of those songs. Just in case you are looking for a little something special to add to your next playlist. 

Please Please Please by Sabrina Carpenter. Without a doubt, my current song obsession is Please Please Please by Sabrina Carpenter. I cannot stop listening! I have had it on repeat fairly regularly since its release. I have long loved Sabrina's music (I was a big fan of Girl Meets World) but this song is a real standout. I love the music video and the emotionally honest lyrics. 


Whoops by Meghan Trainor. This is a real earworm. Though all of the songs on the new Meghan Trainor album are fantastic (I have been listening to the album a lot lately and am contemplating purchasing concert tickets to see Meghan in concert in the fall)...Whoops has been in heavy rotation. I love how upbeat it is - along with the sassy and confident lyrics she is known for.

We Can't Be Friends (Wait For Your Love) by Ariana Grande. Another album that I have been listening to a lot lately is Eternal Sunshine from Ariana Grande. I love all of the songs (I Wish I Hated You is a standout) but ever since the music video for We Can't Be Friends was released, the song has been on repeat. It often gets stuck in my head in the best possible way. 

Over by Lindsay Lohan. Though the rest of the songs on this list are fairly recent, this next song is an oldie but a goodie. Recently, HMV stores opened within Toys R Us stores (do not ask me why, but please know that I am thrilled about it) and I found myself faced with an excellent selection of records. One of the ones that came home with me was Speak by Lindsay Lohan. I've been listening to this a lot, but the song Over is the one that hits hardest. I'd forgotten just how much I love it.

What songs have you been loving lately? Are there any albums in heavy rotation for you right now?


  1. Thanks for your sharing have a lovely weekend

  2. A guy at work recommended Rival Sons, so been listening to them this last week. And just random stuff I have in the car and on my iTunes on the computer.

  3. Boa tarde e bom final de semana, com muita paz e saúde. Obrigado pelas dicas interessantes.

  4. Ariana Grande's new album has been on repeat for me, and We Can't Be Friends is probably my fave! Love the video too with Evan:) Can't wait to see WIcked!
    Great list, Shannon:) Have a great weekend!

    1. It is such a great album! So glad you are enjoying it, too!

  5. Thank you for sharing these Shannon! Music has always been important to me too! xxx

    1. It is amazing how a great song can totally turn things around!

  6. I totally agree with what you have said. Music sends vibes to our soul and that can make us feel good, can give us hope and peace.

  7. I often have music playing, it's good to have a soundtrack to the day to day, and I take full advantage of working from home to work along with a soundtrack, haha! That Lindsey Lohan song was a blast from the past, I'd forgotten she released music!

    1. You are so right! Having a soundtrack to the day is essential. Her music was so so good! I love to listen to it from time to time :D

  8. Ich kann mir ein Leben ohne Musik gar nicht vorstellen. LG Romy

  9. Thanks a lot =) I can't wait to go to Parookaville, it will be amazing.
    Thanks =) Yesterday I did 2 hours of sports in the morning and after that I chilled on my couch <3 It was so nice. And today I visit my parents for some games :D
    Oh really nice =) Bottles like this are perfect to go on holiday or a festival.

    Absolutely nice post =) Music is life.
    This songs are all really good, my favourite would be Lindsay Lohan with "Over". I loved her music so much, "Rumors" was also really amazing.
    At the moment I hear much festival music on Spotify. Can't wait to dance again on a festival :D

    1. Rumors was such a good song! I really love both of her albums! I hope you have so much fun at the festival <3
