Wednesday, December 1, 2021

december...a month of joy, happiness, and finishing what you started.

Ahh...December. It is finally here. Thank goodness for that! Life has certainly been challenging for the last while (thanks to the pandemic) and December feels like a hopeful final chapter for the year. It is the perfect time to look back and also to look ahead. After all, there is so much goodness jam packed into one month. From snow to seasonal traditions to cozy sweaters and blankets...this is certainly a time to be grateful. December is without a doubt my favourite month. After all, this is the time to make memories with family, mail holiday cards, and let people know that they are loved. It is a month overloaded with traditions, decorations, lights, and good cheer. That December magic is very much needed. To welcome in the last month of 2021, here are some December TAG questions on the creation of beauty is art. as well as a bit of seasonal inspiration.

What is Your Favourite December Tradition? There are so many traditions that take place during the month of December. Too many to count! One of my favourite traditions is watching "Christmas With The Kranks" with my mom each year. There is nothing better than popping in the DVD, closing the blinds, and letting that special Christmas magic take over. This is a movie that we watched randomly several years back after finding a discounted copy. We were both surprised that we instantly fell in love with the film. It has an amazing cast, it is hilarious, and so heartwarming. Being able to watch such a special movie with my mom each year stands out as one of my all-time favourite traditions. 

What is Your Favourite Winter Scent? I cannot express how much I love winter scents. Seasonal smells, like vanilla, sugar cookies, gingerbread, and peppermint all make me exceptionally happy. Which is why I tend to stock up on winter scents for lotions, hand soap, and candles each time December rolls around. Though I have an obsession with many different winter scents, there is one specifically that I associate with this time of year: Bath & Body Works Marshmallow Fireside. It smells incredible. Warm, comforting, and oh-so-seasonal. Marshmallow Fireside is a must have. I absolutely adore it.

What is Your Go-To Fashion Trend for Winter? When the temperatures start to drop, my fashion must-have is a cozy sweater. Whether it is an oversized sweatshirt or a knitted sweater...there is something special about a piece that is comfortable and warm when it is cold and snowy outside. Thankfully, there are quite a few winter-friendly sweaters hanging in my closet. Some are dressier than others, which means it is always possible to adapt this trend to the situation. 

What is Your All-Time Favourite Christmas Movie? This is such a difficult question to answer, because Christmas movies are a real love for me. I own over 150 holiday movies currently (that number always seems to be increasing) and watch them throughout the year. There is nothing more exciting than seeing a new-to-me Christmas movie. I genuinely love them all. My favourite is probably "A Christmas Story," because my family has always watched it. On Christmas Day, we have it playing in the background all day long. When my husband and I visited the Christmas Story House and Museum, it was such an emotional and thrilling experience. I truly love the movie so much. That being said, "Christmas With The Kranks," "Doug's Secret Christmas," and "The Night Before Christmas," are other top contenders. 

What's Your All-Time Favourite Holiday Song? Again, there are so many. I love Christmas music and really do listen to it all year round. Currently, there is a radio station where I live that plays Christmas music from mid-November to the end of December, and I keep it on all day. I even have it on in the background while I work, because it is so comforting to me. Christmas music is special! My favourite holiday song is the "O Holy Night Medley" by Hanson. Another favourite that I cannot get enough of is, "Alfie, The Christmas Tree/It's In Every One of Us Medley" by John Denver. Or the entire John Denver and the Muppets album. 

Do You Prefer to Travel or Stay Home During the Holidays? Definitely stay home. It would be really upsetting if I was not able to be home for the holidays! Part of the magic and the wonder is being in that familiar place with the people that you love most. That being said, it will likely be a very long time until I feel comfortable traveling anywhere, so home is where the heart is. 

What is Your Favourite Winter Activity? Hmm...probably baking or curling up with a good book. I love trying out a different seasonal recipe each winter (sometimes they appear on my newsfeed and other times, I try out one of the recipes in the Joanne Fluke mystery books) and reading is another important past time. There is nothing better than putting on some fuzzy socks, throwing on lots of warm blankets, and reading a good book. It is the most comforting and blissful experience. 

Do You Love or Hate the Snow? It is a bit of both. As a Canadian, snow is something that I am extremely familiar with. When do I love snow? When I am warm and cozy inside...and the snow is falling outside. It looks so beautiful. I love the way it blankets everything and the whole world looks brand new. When do I not love the snow? When I am trudging through it in heavy winter boots and a thick coat. Or when I have to shovel it to unearth the car in the morning. It is a love-hate relationship.

What is One Item on Your Wish List This Year? There is nothing specific on my wish list in terms of presents or anything like that. What I really want is to have a wonderful December, filled with lots of seasonal magic and special experiences with the people I love. Though I absolutely love Christmas....I love the build up to the holiday even more. Those little moments, like TV specials, twinkling lights, getting the decorations up, seeing seasonal items in stores, watching a movie with someone you love. I love opening up advent calendars and that warm fuzzy feeling in the pit of your stomach. It all means so much. So, what is really on my wish list is a special month from start to finish. 

What is Your Favourite Seasonal Food? Honestly...I love it all. I love gingerbread, sugar cookies, yule logs, those little seasonal Christmas tree cakes, and candy cane ice cream. All. Of. It. Which is why I need to be mindful of how many seasonal goodies I am eating. But it makes me happy to know that there are so many delicious items associated with the month of December. 

December is here. Nothing could be more exciting. This is the perfect time of year to make memories, have fun, and enjoy all of the little moments. After all, it is a month overloaded with blessings and joy. Be sure to answer some of these December TAG questions in the comment section below or on your own blog. I can't wait to hear your answers! 

Are you excited about the month of December? How will you make the most of it? 


  1. Cozy sweater is my go-to item for December as well.

  2. I loved december month , new hope new beginning... thanks for your sharing:)

  3. Yes I am excited for December! I'm going to make it extra magical specially for my daughter!

    1. Oh, that is wonderful to hear! I am sure she will appreciate everything you do!

  4. Yes! My daughter started pre-school (nursery) a few days ago and I have time to myself during the day. So can do lots and get sorted for Christmas!

    1. Oh, that is fantastic that you have a bit of time to yourself! I hope you enjoy all of the Christmas preparations!

  5. I'm not a fan of the winter but I definitely love a few things like the warm and cozy feeling of being at home under a blanket, with a Bath and Body Works candle, eating gingerbread while is so cold outside.. That's awesome!

  6. I always love December too! although we don't have the cold weather as it's summer her we still have cosy December movie nights - we pick Christmas themed movies for our weekly family movie night and have all the lights on as we watch. And usually the air con too as it's hot, haha!

    Hope that you are having a good week :)

    Away From The Blue

    1. Aww that sounds like so much fun! It's hard to imagine a hot winter, but that sounds honestly really lovely!

  7. Yeah finally :D There are many different products, pretty nice for this price =) Yes I love that too.
    Really delicious =) I love KitKat. Yeah they have many different sorts.

    I love December, it's one of my favourite months =) My favourite tradition is do open all of the advent calenders and baking many christmas cookies (and eat them of cours :D). My favourite scent would be apple & cinnamon <3 I love "Home Alone 1+2", it's so funny :D My favourite song is "All I want for Christmas is You", yeah I know many people hate it but I love it :D

    1. Oh my gosh, yes! Advent calendars are so much fun. I love the Home Alone movies, too! They are fantastic. And how could anyone ever hate "All I Want For Christmas Is You" ?? It is a classic!
