Saturday, July 3, 2021

four things making me smile lately

Being honest? The last year or so has been a complete and total rollercoaster of emotions. Some days, I feel focused and purposeful. Other days, I feel like a complete and total disaster. It makes much has changed and there are still so many unknowns. But here is hoping that things will continue to head in the right direction. On that note! I wanted to share some of the little things that have been making me smile lately. They have been adding lots of joy to my life. 

Flowers on the Balcony. The little things mean the most. Especially these days! Several weeks ago, my husband planted some flowers in some potters on the balcony. We were able to visit a garden center and pick up four different flowers. My favourites are the daylilies. There are yellow daylilies in one large potter and orange daylilies in the other. They add so much life and colour to the balcony. I love that they are in my sightline when I am working from home. Recently, they started to lose their bloom....but not to worry. These daylilies are supposed to rebloom several more times. 

Tie Dye Everything. It is no secret that I love the 90s. From 90s fashion to music to television....I love it all. That includes tie dye! When I was young, tie dye was totally in style. Now, it has made a major resurgence and can be found absolutely everywhere. Nothing could make me happier! Lately it seems that any new addition to my wardrobe involves some sort of tie dye. New pajamas? Pink and yellow tie dye. New dress? Tie dye. New sneakers? Tie dye. There is just something so fun and nostalgic about it. I love the combination of colours and the whimsy. This trend is an absolute must.  

Six Year Wedding Anniversary. Time flies! It is hard to believe that tomorrow, it will have been six years since my husband and I tied the knot. Normally, we like to do something modest to celebrate. Maybe dinner or a weekend getaway somewhere nearby. Last year...we were not able to do anything thanks to the pandemic. This year? We are still extremely limited due to restrictions and safety concerns. So, the plan is to possibly drive to the Big Apple (which is an hour or so away) and treat ourselves to some baked goods or perhaps go for a walk somewhere scenic. Nothing crazy but something a little bit different. 

Watching Sailor Moon Episodes. Okay....I admit it. I love Sailor Moon. In elementary school, my teacher lectured me for drawing pictures of Serena instead of focusing on math problems. I wore my Sailor Moon pajamas pretty much all the time. I used my toy cosmic crescent wand on a daily basis. Obsessed? Me? Absolutely. That obsession never really went away. It was easy to find the original versions of Sailor Moon with subtitles or different dubbed versions. But what I was looking for (literally for years) was the Dic dub. That is the version I grew up on. Sailor Moon's name was Serena and the voice actors were Canadian. While I appreciate and respect all of the other Sailor Moon versions and all of the additional seasons and movies....I wanted the version that was part of my childhood. Finally! I found it on eBay. The two Dic dub seasons are now in my possession. And I have been watching non-stop. In fact, I am watching an episode while I write this blog post!

Even when life feels overwhelming or uncertain...there are always plenty of little things that manage to make me smile. These are just a few that came to mind today. It feels good to focus on all of the positives. 

What about you? What has been making you smile lately?


  1. Six years wow congrats :-D Never seen Sailor Moon.

  2. Hello dear, congratulations on your anniversary, I hope you get something cool to do. Am having am wedding this year in Dec super excited.

  3. What often makes me smile is my pet cats. Seeing their behavior always makes me smile.

    greetings from Indonesia

  4. so nice the colour of daylilies and happy anniversary to u!

  5. Thank you very much =) Oh yes the nail polish is cute, love this colour. The granola is really delicious, I had it for breakfast today and it was so crunchy =) Thanks, my weekend is full of work, but this is ok :D Hope you have a nice weekend too

    Nice post =) Flowers on the balcony are really nice, love those colours. Happy anniversary <3 Oh Sailor Moon reminds me on my childhood, it was so amazing with Bunny and Loona :D

    1. Yes, it is the little things that mean the most sometimes! Thank you!

  6. Ohh happy anniversary! I planted flowers in my balcony too, I love it ^^ And I also watch Sailor Moon from time to time, it reminds me to my childhood, I love Serena!

    1. Oh, how wonderful! I am sure they are beautiful! Yes!! Sailor Moon is so good and definitely makes me think of my youth :)

  7. Happy anniversary! And I love Sailor Moon too! Have you seen the Sailor Moon Eternal move remake on Netflix yet?


    1. I haven't! But I will definitely check it out! Thank you for the heads up!

  8. You, Shannon, you make me smile every day! xoxo

  9. I love balcony flowers (window flowers in my case to be honest). it makes me smile all the time. It's so much fun to watch it grow, we both think we should have done it later. Smiling every day for whatever reason is always for the better. Time flies so fast, my husband and I are thinking of what to do for 10th anniversary next year

    1. Oh, that is so wonderful! It is amazing how flowers can make such a difference! Congratulations on almost reaching 10 years! That is wonderful. I know you will plan something super special <3

  10. I have to go back to SM sometimes ♥ I am currently watching Banana Fish anime and it's making me teary every episode ๐Ÿ’

    iUNIK Propolis ๐Ÿ๐Ÿฏ
    Youtube ๐Ÿ’

    1. Sailor Moon is so good! It's been really nice watching it again. Ooh, I haven't heard of that one. I will have to look into it!
